Management team 24/25
Read more about us here!
Welcome to Luleå Studentkår! Our organization consist of four student sections that together represent the interests of the students at the university. Together, we work to ensure that your education is of the highest quality, that you have a safe and inspiring study environment, and that you have opportunities to build a rich and social life outside of your studies. The university is our game plan and the students our biggest focus. Join us and influence your future!

Interested in getting an interactive insight into what Luleå Studentkår does? Take a look at our interactive brochure!
Do you have any opinions on your education? Create an errand at https://utbildningsbevakning.se/?lang=en_US
Do you need home insurance? Or maybe clothes for winter? Check out our partners via the button below!
Why union member? Read more and become a member here!
Follow us on social media to take part in news, events and other interesting things!
Contact us by filling out this form, we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!
Do you have any opinions on your education? Create an errand at https://utbildningsbevakning.se/?lang=en_US
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